Biomedical Sciences student at the Methodist University of São Paulo (UMESP). I worked in undergraduate research at the Biochemistry Laboratory of Innate Diseases and Cancer at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), with the support of the FAPESP grant, in the areas of cellular immunology, glycobiology, and cancer. I was a monitor of disciplines Immunological Processes and Basic Immunology at UMESP. I also have experience as an assistant teacher, developing didactic and pedagogical activities in elementary and high school, scientific reviewer, and advisor on biology scientific divulgation blog. Now I’m specializing in data science and analytics to transform data into valuable information in business.
Biomedical Scientist & Data Scientist
Living in a "learning mode" because I believe that the ability to produce effective and efficient solutions depends fundamentally on previously acquired knowledge.
- Birthday: October 1998
- Phone: +55(11)99664-5027
- City: Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
- Degree: BSc in Biomedical Sciences
- Email: eduardo.pereira@datalakers.com.br
- Freelance: Available
These are my skill levels with the most popular technologies on the market today.
A little bit about my professional and academic trajectory.
Diploma of Education - Data Science & Analytics
2021 - 2022
Data Science Academy, Brasília, DF
DSA's specialization online course in Data Science consists of six main courses and a total of 442 hours of study. There are over thirty projects along the entire course.
- Big Data Analytics using R Language and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.
- Python and Spark for Big Data Real-Time Analytics.
- Hadoop and Spark for Data Engineering
- Machine Learning.
- Business Analytics.
- Data Visualization and Dashboard Design.
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
2018 - 2021
Methodist University of São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo, SP
Innovative pedagogical project and modern curriculum structure that guarantees the formation of skills and competencies sought by employers from different segments, incorporating issues related to entrepreneurship, health management, and scientific training.
- Undergraduate monitor: Immunological processes and Basic Immunology.
Bachelor & Licentiate of Biological Sciences
2017 - 2018
Santo André Foundation University Center (FSA-SP), Santo André, SP
- PIBID scholarship holder.
Professional Experience
Data Governance Analyst
2022 - current
DataLakers Tecnologia
Undergraduate Research Fellow
2018 - 2020
Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Santo André, SP
PROJECT: Glycosaminoglycans on T cell activation and exhaustion
The main objective of this project was to evaluate whether molecules known as glycosaminoglycans (GAG's) could influence the process of exhaustion of T cells, one of the defense cells in the human immune system, in an in vitro model.
- São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) grant: 2019/05074-9
- Scientific work presentation entitled "Programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression is regulated by cyclooxygenase 2 in renal tumor cells" at the "XLIV Congress of the Brazilian Society of Immunology. Immunotherapy: recent advances and future for therapeutic interventions", international scientific congress, between September and October 2019.
Assistent Teacher
2017 - 2018
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Santo André, SP
PIBID Scholarship - Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - (Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships)
School: EMEF Arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer - São Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil)
Main duties:
- Development of didactic-pedagogical activities for elementary and high school, under the guidance of a teacher from the Biological Sciences undergraduate course at Fundação Santo André and a teacher from the public education.
- Disciplines: Sciences and Biology.
I would like to present some of the projects I have worked on. Please feel free to analyze them and if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to share some ideas, do not hesitate to contact me!
- All
- Mini projects
- Data analysis
- Machine Learning
- Challenges
Some statistical stuff, go ahead!
Completed projects
Projects in execution
Cups of coffee
Hours of studying
These are some tasks where I can use my skills to generate efficient and effective solutions to problems that you may face.
Descriptive Analysis
Applying different statistical techniques to describe, organize and summarize your data set so that it is possible to understand what happened.
Diagnostic Analysis
Using advanced analysis based on detailed research, data discovery, data mining, and correlations to examine your data and answer why an event has occurred.
Machine Learning (Predictive Analysis)
Developing predictive models that analyze historical data to create predictions of interest.
Prescriptive Analysis
Defining the best strategy based on the available data so that you can take the best decision possible.
Data Visualization & Dashboard Design
Creating responsive and interactive graphics with excellent designs to summarize and present your data, providing the visualization of the Big Picture.
Providing expert support from a data scientist and researcher to solve business problems, minimizing the chances of failure in the project development.
Pq. Novo Oratório, Santo André-SP, Brazil