Imagine that your company has a database containing the names of employees and the total sales made in a specific month and you want to create a simple system for triggering messages, via SMS, when someone reaches the sales target. When an employee hits the sales target, he gets some bonus from the company. Using the Python language, we can build a simple, objective, and easily configure a system that allows the triggering of a warning via SMS when a condition is met. For the example of this mini-project, I defined that the hypothetical company's sales target is R$55,000. When the program identifies that an employee has reached the sale, a message will be triggered and an SMS will be sent to a specific number, which may be from the manager or area coordinator, for example. This type of automation can facilitate some processes within the company and can be adapted for different purposes, which can be extremely useful for decision-makers.
# Solution script
# 1- Open databases that are in excel spreadsheet format.
# 2- Check if any value in the sales column is greater than R$55,000.
# 3- If sales is greater than R$55,000 -> Sends an SMS with the name, month and total sales of the employee
# 4- If do not, do not take actions
# First, we need to install Twilio, the library that allows sending SMS via python
!pip install twilio
# Python integration with excel
!pip install openpyxl
# Importing necessary packages
import pandas as pd
from import Client
# Setting Twilio to send SMS
# Use your own account and token, get more information and create your account on
# Your Account SID from
# Your Auth Token from
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
# Creating a list of months
month_names = ["January",
# Loading the datasets
for month in month_names:
df_sales = pd.read_excel(f'{month}.xlsx')
# Verifying if any total sales value in the dataset is greater than R$55,000 and returning the employee's name and total sales
for month in month_names:
df_sales = pd.read_excel(f'{month}.xlsx')
if (df_sales['Sales'] > 55000).any():
employee = df_sales.loc[df_sales['Sales'] > 55000, 'Employee'].values[0]
sales = df_sales.loc[df_sales['Sales'] > 55000, 'Sales'].values[0]
print(f'In {month} someone hit the goal! Employee: {employee}, Total sales: {sales}')
# Setting message on twilio
message = client.messages.create(
to="+xxxxx", # Add the number to which the message should be sent
from_="+xxxxx", # Add your own Twilio number
body=f'In {month} someone hit the goal! Employee: {employee}, Total sales: {sales}')
from IPython.display import Image Image("img/print.jpeg")
from IPython.display import Image
Example of a message triggered via SMS. You can modify the content of the message and add any necessary content.